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1 Samuel 17:38-58 "The Battle is the Lord's" - Kerry Houston

August 24, 2014 [Download]

1 Samuel 17:38-58 "The Battle is the Lord's" - 4

Wage the Good Warfare - 1 Timothy 1:18-20 - Kerry Houston

August 24, 2014 [Download]

Wage the Good Warfare - 1 Timothy 1:18-20 - 4

Judgement Day - Nathan Steeves

August 24, 2014 [Download]

Judgement Day - 5

Except God -

August 24, 2014

Evening Service - Aug. 17, 2014


Except God - 0

Except God - Nathan Steeves

August 24, 2014

Evening Service - Aug. 17, 2014


Except God - 5

We are Complete In Him - Kerry Houston

August 10, 2014 [Download]

We are Complete In Him - 4

The Cost of Discipleship - Part 3 - Darrell Sutton

August 08, 2014 [Download]

The Cost of Discipleship - Part 3 - 8

The Cost of Discipleship - part 2 - Darrell Sutton

August 07, 2014 [Download]

The Cost of Discipleship - part 2 - 8